Hello Friends! I really had no idea just how many of you use this site with your students! I will keep up the website until at least the end of this school year so that students and teachers have a resource. At the end of the year I will figure out the best way to keep the site live. I'm not sure how that will look but I always want to support you!
I have made a PUBLIC Google Drive folder with ALL of my resources. Presentations, lecture models, quizzes, extra reading, test banks...EVERYTHING! It's all in the Educator's Section. Please email for the password from your work email to confirm that you are a teacher: [email protected]
I have made a PUBLIC Google Drive folder with ALL of my resources. Presentations, lecture models, quizzes, extra reading, test banks...EVERYTHING! It's all in the Educator's Section. Please email for the password from your work email to confirm that you are a teacher: [email protected]