The Greatest Artist of All Time - Research Paper

Choose an artist to defend that he or she is the greatest artist of all time. Now, it’s hard to choose just one that has had a significant impact on the history of art and how we, as a society, view art, but you’re going to. Of course, part of this paper will be subjective and include personal opinion; and that’s exactly what this is.
Research the artist that you have chosen and use facts, his or her manifestos, journals, or personal letters to defend your stance. The artist can be from any time period, movement, region, dead or alive.
Due ___________
· DO NOT PLAGIARIZE! You will receive a failing grade on this paper if you do not cite properly.
· 4-6 pages of text/content (does not include a works cited page or appendix) Double-spaced, 1” margins, 12 point font, Times New Roman
· Include dates, history, artwork titles. UNDERLINE TITLES!
· Use at least 3 different resources other than the Gardner’s textbook or the Barron’s text
· In paper citations (citing within paragraphs- last name of author, pg #), no footnotes
· Last name, Page number (top right corner) ONLY
· Must refer to all images within text and be in the same order as your appendix.
· Appendix of at least 5 images of artwork (points will be deducted if images are distorted, too pixilated or printed in bad color). Must have full credit lines for each image. Images need to be in color if available. The order of images in your appendix must be in the same order as they appear in your paper. Every artwork you mention in your paper must have an image available in the appendix. Images of artworks that are merely mentioned in your paper and not necessarily discussed in depth may be placed 2 on one page. Your 5 main images used in discussion must be 1 per page.
· DO NOT simply describe your chosen artworks. Analyze and think critically to make connections to defend why the artist is better than others.
· Works cited page with proper MLA format
· 20% off for any late papers every single day it is not in class whether your absence is excused or not.
· 4-6 pages of text/content (does not include a works cited page or appendix) Double-spaced, 1” margins, 12 point font, Times New Roman
· Include dates, history, artwork titles. UNDERLINE TITLES!
· Use at least 3 different resources other than the Gardner’s textbook or the Barron’s text
· In paper citations (citing within paragraphs- last name of author, pg #), no footnotes
· Last name, Page number (top right corner) ONLY
· Must refer to all images within text and be in the same order as your appendix.
· Appendix of at least 5 images of artwork (points will be deducted if images are distorted, too pixilated or printed in bad color). Must have full credit lines for each image. Images need to be in color if available. The order of images in your appendix must be in the same order as they appear in your paper. Every artwork you mention in your paper must have an image available in the appendix. Images of artworks that are merely mentioned in your paper and not necessarily discussed in depth may be placed 2 on one page. Your 5 main images used in discussion must be 1 per page.
· DO NOT simply describe your chosen artworks. Analyze and think critically to make connections to defend why the artist is better than others.
· Works cited page with proper MLA format
· 20% off for any late papers every single day it is not in class whether your absence is excused or not.