Main Objective: Create a learning tool to use to study for the AP Exam. You must include context, artworks, artists, materials, techniques, or symbols that are relevant to your assigned time period/chapter. It must be creative enough for others to remember factual information and learn material. You may include special acronyms or phrases to remember information. The more creative the better!
What you are submitting through email to [email protected] :
100 pts. Amount of and correct factual information. Actually teaches about the time period
60 pts. Creativity and originality (creating your OWN sounds, beats, music) of presenting information. Could be written from the viewpoint of a person from that time period, could pretend you’re a professor, a comedian, the artwork coming to life, including a “guest speaker”, create a narrative or story to tell factual information. 35 pts. Quality of recording. Not too loud, not to soft, does not fluctuate in sound. Clear, crisp, articulated words or sounds. *HINT* If you're creating a video supplement, record first and then lip sync in the video. 20 pts. Length: Podcast: at least 7 min. Song/rap: at least 2.5 min. 65 pts. Ability to capture and KEEP audience’s attention. Must be engaging, fun, still be able to learn material and is interesting. You can use sounds, music, different voices, loops, jingles, effects… 20 pts. Submit in your email to me: the title of your podcast and title of the episode/title of the song, the transcript or lyrics and a brief description of what your song/podcast is about. The description should read as something to capture an audience's attention and get them to listen to your recording. Include a works cited list, who the guest speakers are, writers, performer.... Should be free of grammatical/spelling errors. Include a picture to go with your description. --------------------------------- 5 pts. BONUS: Automatic. No matter the quality, if you create a video to go along with your rap/song. If you do a podcast, you must include visuals to get bonus points. Must create 2 (two) files to submit: 1) JUST the song/rap/podcast 2) Song plus your visual together in one file. 10+ pts. DOUBLE BONUS: This literally has blow me away, knock my socks off, make me weep from awe, make me laugh so hard I don’t need to do crunches that day… * May be performed live for the class on the day of the final. |
Click the images for podcast examples. |