Student Resources
Key Ideas History PowerPoint Artist Review ppt Artwork List Flashcard Images Vocabulary * YouTube: Caravaggio's Calling of St. Matthew * YouTube: Velasquez's Las Meninas * YouTube: Rembrandt's Self Portraits * YouTube: Bernini's St. Peter's Piazza 1. Read about Ruben's Elevation of the Cross 2. Take a virtual tour or view a slide show of the Palace of Versaille. Take a peek into the estate of Marie Antoinette! 3. Versaille Tour 4. Gentileschi's Judith Slaying Holofernes by KhanAcademy 5. Santa Maria della Vittoria 6. Documentary on Caravaggio by The Power of Art 7. Crash Course video: The Reformation 8. Baroque Review 9. Church of Saint Charles |
Key Ideas
Artwork ListSaint Charles of the Four Fountains
Santa Maria della Vittoria Versaille -Hall of Mirrors Judith Slaying Holofernes Calling of Saint Matthew Ecstasy of St. Teresa Las Meninas Marie de'Medici Cycle Self Portrait with Saskia (Rembrandt) Woman Holding a Balance Fruits and Insects Triumph of the Name of Jesus VocabularyDi sotto in su
genre painting impasto tenebrism vanities chiaroscuro |
Flashcard Images |