Since I joined the class late, I didn't have the opportunity at the beginning of the year to write the “What is Art ” essay. Despite not writing the essay, I have an idea of what I originally thought art was. Going into this class, when I heard the word “art,” I would think of vibrant and beautiful sculptures or paintings made by some famous artists. I would think of names such as Michelangelo, Picasso, and Da Vinci. I would vison artworks such as the Mona Lisa, and ancient roman sculpture. Never would i ever have thought of Duchamp's “Fountain” when hearing the word “art”. This year has broadened what I consider art. I now believe that art is anything that inspires emotion in the artist and viewer. It does not have to be an ancient masterpiece to qualify as art, it just has to elicit a unique and individual feeling in the creator or art-viewer.
Duchamp’s “Fountain” is a great artwork for me to describe my idea of art. This piece of art is literally a porcelain urinal that Duchamp signed his name on. To many, this is not considered art because it defies the long standing definition of art. Many people believe that art has to be precise, time consuming to create, and aesthetically pleasing. I do not agree with this. I believe that Duchamp’s “Fountain” is considered art because it inspires emotion in the artist. Duchamp found an everyday object and put a new use to it. The act of him signing his name on it and thinking of a common object in a new way is the aspect of art in this work. It's not the urinal thats art, it’s Duchamp's unique and individual idea to attach a new meaning and function to the urinal.
Here’s how I look at it. What if we lived in a society with only one definition of art. Artists collectively strived to see who could make the most beautiful sculpture or painting of the same thing. If this were the case, art would all look the same and it would be incredibly boring. No new ideas would emerge, no new artistic techniques would surface, and there would be little variation or individuality in different artist's work. Artists that defy the social norm, such as Duchamp, are what drive change, and change is necessary for new styles and ideas to emerge in society. The criteria of art is ever-changing due to innovators like Duchamp.
Another artwork that helps describe my ideas of art is Shepard Fairey’s Barack Obama Hope poster. Many argue this is not art because he stole someone else’s image without permission and photoshopped it. They argue that because he did not take the picture, he cannot call it his own art. I completely disagree. This photo was taken by the press. The man behind the camera was probably taking a mass amount of photos to hopefully sell to a newspaper or make money for the company he worked for. He absolutely had no intention to use it as art. When Shepard Fairey saw this picture, it inspired an idea. It meant more to Fairey than it meant to the press. Fairey saw this picture as an opportunity for art, not just as a picture of a man's face. He then used that idea too great a new meaning and purpose for the picture. The act of Fairey taking this normal photo and creating a new feeling out of it classifies it as art, in my opinion. He did something with this photo that the press would have never imagined doing, therefor making it his own art.
Throughout the year my perception of art has dramatically changed. I used to believe art had to be precise, perfecting, and require lots of time make. I used to believe art was based on the effort and precision the artist put into making the work, not the idea. I now feel that art is not about how much time or color or detail the artists put in; art is solely about the unique idea the artist possesses and the feelings and emotions it brings to the viewer and artist.
Duchamp’s “Fountain” is a great artwork for me to describe my idea of art. This piece of art is literally a porcelain urinal that Duchamp signed his name on. To many, this is not considered art because it defies the long standing definition of art. Many people believe that art has to be precise, time consuming to create, and aesthetically pleasing. I do not agree with this. I believe that Duchamp’s “Fountain” is considered art because it inspires emotion in the artist. Duchamp found an everyday object and put a new use to it. The act of him signing his name on it and thinking of a common object in a new way is the aspect of art in this work. It's not the urinal thats art, it’s Duchamp's unique and individual idea to attach a new meaning and function to the urinal.
Here’s how I look at it. What if we lived in a society with only one definition of art. Artists collectively strived to see who could make the most beautiful sculpture or painting of the same thing. If this were the case, art would all look the same and it would be incredibly boring. No new ideas would emerge, no new artistic techniques would surface, and there would be little variation or individuality in different artist's work. Artists that defy the social norm, such as Duchamp, are what drive change, and change is necessary for new styles and ideas to emerge in society. The criteria of art is ever-changing due to innovators like Duchamp.
Another artwork that helps describe my ideas of art is Shepard Fairey’s Barack Obama Hope poster. Many argue this is not art because he stole someone else’s image without permission and photoshopped it. They argue that because he did not take the picture, he cannot call it his own art. I completely disagree. This photo was taken by the press. The man behind the camera was probably taking a mass amount of photos to hopefully sell to a newspaper or make money for the company he worked for. He absolutely had no intention to use it as art. When Shepard Fairey saw this picture, it inspired an idea. It meant more to Fairey than it meant to the press. Fairey saw this picture as an opportunity for art, not just as a picture of a man's face. He then used that idea too great a new meaning and purpose for the picture. The act of Fairey taking this normal photo and creating a new feeling out of it classifies it as art, in my opinion. He did something with this photo that the press would have never imagined doing, therefor making it his own art.
Throughout the year my perception of art has dramatically changed. I used to believe art had to be precise, perfecting, and require lots of time make. I used to believe art was based on the effort and precision the artist put into making the work, not the idea. I now feel that art is not about how much time or color or detail the artists put in; art is solely about the unique idea the artist possesses and the feelings and emotions it brings to the viewer and artist.