Feelings you can see, hear, touch, and feel.
Every single person since they were a child has participated in some form of art every hour of their waking lives even if they haven’t realized it. This is because almost everything we do-- everything we see-- is art. As long as it makes us feel something. Take words for example, we speak our first few words at the age of around 2. Words provoke feelings and feelings provoke, well, art. So essentially every day, even right now, almost everything including these words I’m so carefully typing on my little black keyboard-- is art. Art can not and should not be defined because it has no limits, no rules. Art is something that flows freely from one’s mind-- always up for interpretation; it is being able to understand what someone is feeling through what they’ve created-- emotions in the form of something tangible.
The most fascinating attribute about art is that you do not have to “like” the artwork to appreciate it. You could completely despise the way it looks and still appreciate the time, effort, and thought put into it. Art does not need to be “beautiful” to be considered special. It just needs to make you feel something, make you think. Take Stonehenge for example. This work of art has been standing since around 2000 BCE and no one truly knows it’s meaning, but it still holds great historical value and honor because over all these years it has made people ponder its existence and that is what makes it so special.
Most people question whether a work of art has a purpose and the answer is no; initially, art doesn’t have a purpose, necessarily. I believe that we give it a purpose. Maybe the artist did give it a specific purpose, but to you it may seem like a whole other concept. To me, art is like clouds; it depends who’s looking, what they’re feeling, even where they’re standing to interpret what they see when they observe art. Sometimes art doesn’t make sense, but that’s the point. It makes you think. Question the unquestionable. There is no one who can tell you what art should be or what it is supposed to look like; only you can determine what it is you are looking at. As previously mentioned, art should be interpreted. There is one element of art that can make certain pieces of art significantly better than others though. What usually makes a work of art so iconic is it’s ability to tell a story. A piece of artwork reflects the culture of that time period or even setting where the artist was when he or she created it.
I believe that art is such a huge component to the wellbeing of our society. Art expresses what words cannot and better yet it makes us greater people because it challenges us to dig a little deeper, think a little harder, and sometimes even embrace a feeling we didn’t know we could feel at all.
Every single person since they were a child has participated in some form of art every hour of their waking lives even if they haven’t realized it. This is because almost everything we do-- everything we see-- is art. As long as it makes us feel something. Take words for example, we speak our first few words at the age of around 2. Words provoke feelings and feelings provoke, well, art. So essentially every day, even right now, almost everything including these words I’m so carefully typing on my little black keyboard-- is art. Art can not and should not be defined because it has no limits, no rules. Art is something that flows freely from one’s mind-- always up for interpretation; it is being able to understand what someone is feeling through what they’ve created-- emotions in the form of something tangible.
The most fascinating attribute about art is that you do not have to “like” the artwork to appreciate it. You could completely despise the way it looks and still appreciate the time, effort, and thought put into it. Art does not need to be “beautiful” to be considered special. It just needs to make you feel something, make you think. Take Stonehenge for example. This work of art has been standing since around 2000 BCE and no one truly knows it’s meaning, but it still holds great historical value and honor because over all these years it has made people ponder its existence and that is what makes it so special.
Most people question whether a work of art has a purpose and the answer is no; initially, art doesn’t have a purpose, necessarily. I believe that we give it a purpose. Maybe the artist did give it a specific purpose, but to you it may seem like a whole other concept. To me, art is like clouds; it depends who’s looking, what they’re feeling, even where they’re standing to interpret what they see when they observe art. Sometimes art doesn’t make sense, but that’s the point. It makes you think. Question the unquestionable. There is no one who can tell you what art should be or what it is supposed to look like; only you can determine what it is you are looking at. As previously mentioned, art should be interpreted. There is one element of art that can make certain pieces of art significantly better than others though. What usually makes a work of art so iconic is it’s ability to tell a story. A piece of artwork reflects the culture of that time period or even setting where the artist was when he or she created it.
I believe that art is such a huge component to the wellbeing of our society. Art expresses what words cannot and better yet it makes us greater people because it challenges us to dig a little deeper, think a little harder, and sometimes even embrace a feeling we didn’t know we could feel at all.