Summer Prep for AP Art History
Hello Future Students for the year 2014-2015!
I'm really looking forward to a wonderful year and learning about the wonderful and intriguing world of Art History. You'll be amazed at the amount of information you'll learn and experience. I'm happy to be back at Costa this coming year and tackling that Exam at the end of the year.
I have learned so much in the past 2 years and I know that you'll be even more prepared than last year's students. Summer preparation work is not meant to put a damper on your weeks off of school but to further prepare you for the challenge of taking the AP Art History Exam. We need to cover SO MUCH by May that it is nearly impossible to cover all we need to, including introducing you to the basics of art history, in the beginning of the year.
This summer, I would like for you to complete a few assignments and do some reading so that we are ready to jump in the core subject matter of the exam.
1. Your first assignment is to acquire the textbook. I don't suggest buying new. If you have any issues with acquiring the text, please contact your MCHS Counselor. If you visit the Materials page, I have listed a few ways of acquiring the text. It explains where and how to get your textbook including a list of previous students who are willing to sell. If you have questions, email me. You must have your textbook by the start of class.
2. When you do acquire your textbook, you can start with your Summer Prep work. Don't wait until the last few days of summer to start it. It's basically 2 very short chapters rolled into about a week. The foundations of art and art history are crucial. Learning about Prehistoric art is important to understand the foundations of how history and art evolve together. Prehistoric art is NOT covered on the College Board AP Art History Exam.
3. The last part of getting ready for the year is to make sure you get all of the materials needed for the class. Again, if you visit the Materials page you can find everything that you need. I highly suggest entering the class with your binder set up with dividers and well stocked with index cards.
Click on the buttons below to review your textbook, find reading schedules and assignments, and explore chapters.
Thank you and have a wonderful summer! Travel, explore, sleep, read great books, and make good choices!
Ms. Park :)
Your Summer Reading Schedule
Day 1: 3 pages, double-spaced: Answer the simple (or not simple) question: What is art?
Day 2: Start the Introduction, read pages 1- 6
Day 3: Read pages 6- 13
Day 4: Complete Study Guide (due the first day of school- download PDF)
Day 5: Start Chapter 1 Prehistoric Art, read pages 15-18
-Make flashcards for "Feline-headed woman statuette" and the
Venus of Willendorf Click here to see how to set up flashcards!
Day 6: Read pages 19-23
-Make flashcards for the Clay Bison at Le Tuc'Audoubert and
the Cave paintings at Lascaux
Day 7: Read pages 24-28
-Make a flashcard for Stonehenge
Day 8: Complete Study Guide and Time Period Chart (Both are due the
first day of school- download PDF)
Recap: Due the first day of school
1. "What is Art?"
2. Introduction Study Guide
3. Flashcards for Chapter 1 (look at the Overview in Chapter 1 section)
4. Chapter 1 Study Guide
5. Chapter 1 Time Period Chart
6. Optional: Museum Visit Paper

museum_visit.doc |