The Grand Odalisque Ingres The Old Market Woman Hellenistic Greece The Venus of Urbino Titian Olympia Manet Nike of Samothrace Woman I de Kooning Les Demoiselle d'Avignon Picasso Bust Nefertiti Portrait of a Lady van der Weyden Starification Object Series Wilk The Birth of Venus Boticelli Madonna with the Long Neck Parmigianino Abduction of the Sabine Woman Adam and Eve (Fall of Man) Druer Cycladic Figurine Luncheon on the Grass Manet |
Michelangelo The Seated Boxer Doryphorus Polykleitos Pieta Michelangelo Diskobolos The Dying Gaul Dead Christ Mantegna Barberini Faun Zeus/Poisedon David Donatello David Verocchio Kritios Boy The Creation of Adam Michelangelo Garden of Earthly Delights Bosch David Bernini The Guitar Player Picasso Ka Aper Egyptian Vetruvian Man da Vinci The Kiss Gustave Klimt |