I decided because I'm not formally testing you and we're in super crunch time before the AP Exam I would post the study guide answers so that you can review for the Exam confidently. The answers for the Enlightenment Age (Ch. 28) is posted here and on Ch. 28 page. You're welcome :) ![]()
Hope you find this helpful! Vassar's Andrew Tallon and Columbia's Stephen Murray have recently unveiled their massive and remarkable digital project to document the architectural monuments of 12-13-century France, entitled "Mapping Gothic France". This is an open-source, open access project available on the web at: http://www.mappinggothicfrance.org The site consists of hundreds of dynamic, panoramic images, mapped to each monument, and accompanied by contextual materials including historical texts, time-lines, interactive maps, and biographies of scholars. It also contains tools for comparative study. From the site: "Whereas pictures can be satisfactorily represented in two dimensions on a computer screen, space -- especially Gothic space -- demands a different approach, one which embraces not only the architectonic volume but also time and narrative. Mapping Gothic France builds upon a theoretical framework derived from the work of Henri Lefèbvre (The Production of Space) that seeks to establish linkages between the architectural space of individual buildings, geo-political space, and the social space resulting from the interaction (collaboration and conflict) between multiple agents -- builders and users. "Mapping Gothic France will, we hope, become a vital educational and research tool for both students and scholars. We invite you to explore the site, and welcome both your comments and scholarly contributions to the narratives." To mark the unveiling of the Beta version of the website, Andrew Tallon and his students have mounted an exhibition in the Frances Lehman Loeb Center and the Vassar College Art Library that will remain on view through May 20, 2012: http://info.vassar.edu/news/2011-2012/120520-fllac-gothic.html http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150682059351170.423138.269041441169& -Ms. Park On the Chapter 28: The Age of Enlightenment page I have set up everything you need for homework that will be due on Tuesday.
Please download the excerpt from "On Photography" by Susan Sontag and PRINT IT OUT. Then download the Dialectical Entry template and PRINT IT OUT as well. Please fill out the worksheet as you read the article and come prepared to discuss what you wrote in groups. We will be going over the beginning of photography on Tuesday. Thank you! Let me know if you can't access the internet at home or don't have a printer. I will give you hardcopies in class on Monday. Ms. Park I found this website all about buildings and architecture. It has credit line specifics, models, extra info, TONS of pictures. It's a little weird navigating but worth looking at! http://www.greatbuildings.com/gbc.html I just discovered this today!
The Google Art Project has images of 1000s of artworks from many different museums. You can search by collection, artist, artworks... It's really an amazing collection all in one place. You can save images and start created your own gallery. The only down side is that the GAP doesn't present information on the artwork itself. Check it out! http://www.googleartproject.com/collections/ As we approach the date for the AP Exam on May 8th at 12:00pm...it is important, if you haven't already, that you visit the College Board <<<website! They have many wonderful and helpful tools to help prepare you. They have exam questions from years past. Familiarize yourself with these questions and practice at home!!!
Please please PLEASE make sure you visit this site. I promise it will not be a waste of time! Hope you had a fabulous Spring Break! Want a jump on Chapter 28: Age of the Enlightenment???? Everything you need is up and ready to download/print. Get a head start on setting up your flash cards! We start this chapter the day after we finish Chapter 24: Baroque art! |
What's Up?Here, you will find announcements, clarifications, comments and concerns. I frequently post articles about artists, new art blogs, documentaries, and artists that I love! Check regularly as not to be left behind! Archives
June 2017